Thursday, February 27, 2020

Discussions Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 750 words

Discussions - Essay Example Newsweek translates Obama’s intention as: "I will go only if we can win; I dont want to be photographed losing." Copenhagen was to have been the most important international conference after Kyoto, because it was expected to produce a treaty updating the targets set during that earlier conference. It will be recalled that the Kyoto Protocol is an international environmental treaty adopted in December of 1997 and which entered into force in February of 2005. The Protocol called for industrialized countries to reduce their greenhouse gas emissions by 5.2% from their 1990 levels. Today, 187 countries have signed and ratified the protocol. Significantly, the only industrialized nation in the world who adamantly refuses to sign the treaty is that country responsible for 36.1% of world emissions – the United States of America. What is one to make of this, except America’s apparent disinterest in the future of the world environment? Certainly, its importance is not lost on the new US President, inasmuch as he made climate change a cornerstone of his campaign platform. From the new President’s actuations and flimsy reasons, it appears this was all lip service, and that in this great country, the welfare of future generations has already lost to political agenda, selfish economic interests, and the desire to avoid being â€Å"photographed losing.† The Presidency of the United States used to stand as a symbol of principled governance in the face of global threats, as the USA used to be a beacon of all that is right and good in a dark, oppressive world. When Obama gets photographed receiving his Nobel prize for nothing in particular, he should remember that recently another American democrat received his Nobel for fighting against global warming. He should also realize that, image-enhancing or not, it is his duty not only as his nation’s

Tuesday, February 11, 2020

Business 50 p week 2 Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 250 words

Business 50 p week 2 - Essay Example Policies and procedures define the service culture and the mode of operation within an organization. The essence of recommending changes in the manner in which policies and procedures are established is to give priorities on certain aspects that are critical for employees and customers. Formulation of policies and the process of implementation requires an approach that focusses centrally on the clients while maintaining the interest of the employees (Martinez & Hobbi, 2008). Most of the policies focus on the organization and not the workers and the clients who are supposed to be served. Service culture requires a two-dimensional approach where the interest of the customers and the employees are catered for with due diligence. Catering for the needs of the employees enhance motivation thus increasing the levels of productivity for the organization. Consequently, a customer-centric approach in policy formulation ensures that the client satisfaction in terms of service delivery is achieved as appropriate (Martinez & Hobbi, 2008). Changing the design of policies and procedures enhance prompt service delivery positive impact on the service culture of the