Wednesday, September 2, 2020
Operations Management: Customer Satisfaction at Denver Facility Essay
The ascent in client assistance protests at Canbide Corporation’s Denver office could be ascribed to the absence of client care which is certainly a fundamental essential for any business hoping to make benefit. Thusly it will be significant for the Denver office to plan approaches to hold the current clients through consumer loyalty as this is simpler than getting new clients (Les, 2007). A portion of the reasons prompting client disappointment incorporate defers experienced in the middle of the doors. Unmistakably the clients don't value their time being squandered at this spots therefore the Denver office needs to lessen the time that clients spend holding up between the doors by accompanying better techniques for getting conveyances. Abundance trucks on Tuesdays and Wednesdays are additionally causing substantial shying away during nowadays. Hence Denver ought to circulate the appearance of these trucks uniformly during that time to diminish the shying away on specific days. (Slope, Brierly and MacDougall, 2003, pp5-10) Delays when getting items is additionally another reason for the customers’ disappointment. The postponement could be credited to wasteful booking of the facility’s activities. To check this, Denver should plan a proper calendar for the clients to get their conveyances in order to keep away from the deferrals brought about by overpowering quantities of clients who need to get their conveyances on that days. (Simester, 2006) These measures ought to be taken care of by Denver facility’s activities quality supervisor who isn't high up in the administration stepping stool yet impacts a ton on consumer loyalty. This is on the grounds that consumer loyalty must be raised through quality items and administrations and this is the duty of the tasks quality chief. (Bhave, 2008). As indicated by the ACSI consumer loyalty scores, the business has just demonstrated a negative change in consumer loyalty yet different ventures like web entries and remote telephone utility have understood a positive change. In 2008 it had rating of 80 binds with web entrances while the hardware business drove at a rating of 82. (ACSI, 2006)
Saturday, August 22, 2020
Inter-firm Rivalry in the Airline Industry-
Question: Talk about theInter-firm Rivalry in the Airline Industry. Answer: Outline and Type of the paper: Substance and goal: The goal of the paper is to consider the wellsprings of upper hand of the global organizations situated in developing economies like, India and China appreciate in the worldwide markets. Today the rising economies like India, China and Brazil are encountering a lot of market improvement. The nations are experienced financial turn of events, which has prompted increment in per capita salary and buy intensity of their kin. This has pulled in an ever increasing number of worldwide organizations to these nations. These nations like India and China have additionally built up their own global organizations, which have solid nearness in the created showcases and appreciate incredible upper hands. The paper would dive into the components, which are capable of these worldwide organizations getting a charge out of upper hand globally. Worldwide market openings: The worldwide organizations situated in developing economies like India and China appreciate worldwide market openings. They lead forceful contender organizations from all round the world. They lead examination of the procedures of their organizations in the light of their own methodologies (Alden et al. 2013). This investigation shows that contention between firms, the hardened rivalry between them to pick up the top situation in the market and acquire enormous income requires the organizations to lead serious examination their rivals. It can likewise be called attention to that investigation of the contenders and their procedures make organizations structure methodologies to beat or give intense rivalry to their opponents. These global organizations like Tata Consultancy Services and Infosys can investigate new markets of Europe, North America and South America. They can gain admittance to the assets in these nations like profoundly instructed HR, trend setting innovation and effec tively accessible account (Brem and Wolfram 2014). These simple access to worldwide assets permit these global organizations to work in the western and created markets like the United Kingdom and France effectively. Market shared trait: Market shared trait alludes to the quantity of business sectors wherein the contending organizations are available and the level of significance of every one of these business sectors to these organizations. The worldwide organizations situated in the rising nations like India, China and Brazil appreciate an exceptionally solid nearness in the created showcases also. The organizations like Alibaba situated in China are entering markets like the United States of America. They are imparting these business sectors to the internet business organizations like Amazon. It tends to be called attention to that the nation of origin of Alibaba is China while that of Amazon is the United States of America (Sinha, Weitzel and Bishop 2015). The two organizations share normal market and make methodologies to outperform every others piece of the overall industry in both the United States of America and China. Assets closeness: Asset closeness alludes to the comparability in substantial and elusive assets which contending firms share. One can call attention to that the two internet business organizations, the American web based business organization Amazon and Chinese web based business organization Alibab share different substantial assets like HR and innovation. They additionally share elusive assets like generosity and brand value. This sharing of comparable sorts of assets prompts the contending organizations structure indistinguishable business procedures to rival other (man and Svensson 2015). Re-appropriate results of worldwide organizations situated in created economies The worldwide organizations like TCS and Infosys situated in the developing markets like India began re-appropriating results of global organizations from created economies like IBM. This permitted them to pick up information and aptitude to fabricate and showcase results of their own under their own image names. These organizations have risen into incredible contenders and truth be told, are giving their partners from created economies, intense rivalry. Today they take part in solid between firm contention which is a urgent piece of business methodologies of these organizations since they are equipped for influencing every others benefit procuring and advertise positions. Along these lines, the zenith the board consider between firm competition to shape systems identified with advertising, HR, item arranging and different other significant zones of business (Schaufeli and Taris 2014). Worldwide information and procedure expert: The worldwide firms from the developing economies approach worldwide information and procedure specialist. They can misuse the mechanical progressions, HR accessible and the other creation factors accessible in the created markets like the United States of America. The worldwide organizations from China and India today can pick up information about the necessities of their customers and can plan their items as per their requirements. These global organizations get consultancy administrations from the outside business sectors to increase clear thought regarding the economic situations, government laws and client tastes. This consultancy firms give significant information about the outside business sectors which the pinnacle the board of these MNCs use to make business procedures. This worldwide information and procedure specialists accordingly help the MNCs situated in developing markets structure techniques, which permit them to work in financially savvy way. It can likewise be calle d attention to that the pinnacle the board collections of these organizations make procedures relating to outside contender investigation and economic situation examination at different levels like at firm level, brand item examination from promoting edge and at modern level by breaking down the full scale monetary conditions. It is this worldwide information, inside and out investigation of the economic situations and arrangement of forceful advertising systems dependent on these discoveries are empowering the MNCs situated in developing markets command the created showcases all inclusive (Lapalme and Conklin 2015). Tremendous monetary qualities of the MNCs situated in developing markets: It must be called attention to that simply like the created advertise partners, the global organizations situated in the developing economies are for the most part open restricted organizations. Level of essence of contending organizations displays their market position, their capacity to cover every others shopper base and impact every others gainfulness. The open restricted organization status permits these the organizations to acquire posting on a few stock trades in the host markets. For instance, the Chinese web based business goliath Alibaba is recorded on the New York Stock Exchange. This posting on a few stock trades permits these organizations to give shares and produce enormous capital from the worldwide market (Puutio, Kykyri and Wahlstrm 2013). This gives them the monetary qualities to contend and support in the worldwide market. The American market is critical to both the organizations Amazon and Alibaba and they contend to expand their hold over it. It can likewise be s aid that they two organizations share a similar purchaser base and cover every others client section. This shared characteristic of market and buyer base expects them to lead serious examination to realize creative items to beat the contending items in the market. This hardened rivalry to increase most extreme piece of the overall industry and benefits offers ascend to solid between firm contention at the firm level. This firm level competition requires the summit the executives assemblages of both the organizations to shape forceful business methodologies (Ozleblebici, Pinto and Antonio 2015). Worldwide asset share: The worldwide organizations like Alibaba and Vivo cell phone organization having their central command in the developing markets like China enter worldwide markets like the United States and Europe and get access to their assets. These amazing organizations sway their Rival organizations working same market. The organizations in the created economies go under impacts of comparative large scale monetary conditions and offer comparative assets, which gives rise asset comparability between them. The organizations under such conditions frequently share comparable unmistakable and substantial assets, which lead them to shape indistinguishable business methodologies. As pointed that both American portable organization Apple and the Chinese cell phone brand Vivo go under the comparative market impacts in the US like working under comparative government strategies and observing comparable pay laws while utilizing ability in the American market. This likeness in showcase impacts make them sha re comparative assets to contend in the market. The two of them abuse one of a kind heap of substantial financial assets like HR and innovation. They likewise share packs of immaterial assets like market altruism. This closeness of assets factor makes them structure comparative techniques relating to different regions like promoting and financing to give each other extreme rivalry. This entrance to worldwide asset like innovation, common assets and modest work give upper hand to these MNCs in the remote markets like France and the US. Worldwide product offering and buyer base: The MNCs dependent on developing markets like China and India as brought up have prevailing with regards to accessing worldwide assets everywhere throughout the world. They are therefore ready to fabricate enormous product offering to fulfill the needs of the client profiles everywhere throughout the world. Organizations have showcase profile relating to product offering and client fragments. They have diverse asset enrichments, which permit them to contend with each. These assortments in advertise profiling and asset enrichments choose the level and way of rivalry between the organizations. The assets and market position contending firms own decide how they assault and counterattack each other in the worldwide market space. Two significant organizations in the market go into firm rivalry to hold their top market position and may now and again enter
Friday, August 21, 2020
Human Resource Management in Practice Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 4000 words
Human Resource Management in Practice - Essay Example The article Human Resource Management in Practice breaks down what is the most significant commitment that the human asset director can make to the authoritative viability. Directors and policymakers presently need to know how the HR are overseen in various districts of the world. Scholastics have reacted decidedly to address the difficulties raised by the globalization of business by examining various issues and issues identified with worldwide business. They have endeavored to look at the board from a cross-national perspective. This examination of HRM arrangements and practices at a national level assists with testing the convergenceâ€divergence proposal. The run of the mill addresses sought after by near specialists are: the manner by which is HRM organized in singular nations. What systems are examined? What is incorporated? What are the likenesses and contrasts? What is the impact of national factors, for example, culture, government arrangement, and training frameworks? Res earchers have additionally evolved and proposed various models of HRM both between and inside countries. Strikingly, most models of HRM have an Angloâ€Saxon base. Thusly, from a worldwide point of view, standards of HRM have been created from a limited example of human experience. During the early stages phase of HRM writing, such an ethnocentric methodology was justifiable and unavoidable. With the development of a â€Å"global business village,†firms working in various nations need proper data and direction to build up their HRM approaches and practices.
Friday, June 5, 2020
The Best Way to Manage the Space in the Library - 1375 Words
The Best Way to Manage the Space in the Library: Literature Review, Research Approach, Result Analysis, Potential Limitations and Issues (Research Proposal Sample) Content: THE BEST WAY TO MANAGE THE SPACE IN THE LIBRARYNAMECOURSE INSTRUCTORINSTITUTIONDATECONTENTS OF THE RESEARCH REPORTIntroduction................................................................................................................................3Objectives....................................................................................................................................3Literature Review.......................................................................................................................4Research Approach....................................................................................................................6Result Analysis.............................................................................................................................6Conclusion....................................................................................................................................7Potential Limitations and Iss ues.................................................................................................8Ethical Considerations.................................................................................................................8Reference List...............................................................................................................................9INTRODUCTIONOperations in every organization are centralized on the information about facilities and space. Libraries especially academic libraries that are constructed on large scale are no exception. The efficiency and effectiveness of libraries daily operations can be enhanced using a powerful space management tool. The goal of every library is to develop harmonious and an efficient balance of all elements that make up a library (Petersen, 2009). After considerations of various management tools, this paper mainstream on the use of geographical information systems technology in managing space in libraries. Ge ographical information system is a better system in incorporating spatial data analysis into visual presentations. The system is also easy and cheap to develop. In this proposal, the feature data are integrated with library floor plans to show how geographical information systems can be used as a practical library space management tool.Research ObjectivesThe objectives of the research proposal are: * To assess the effectiveness and efficiency of geographical information system on the management of space in the libraries * To determine whether the GIS tools are the excellent means for partial analysis and geographical analysis in relation to managing space in libraries.LITERATURE REVIEWMany libraries have embraced space management as a frequent activity. Designers in the early stages of architectural planning for libraries in higher learning institutions, stipulated for future development. However, due to dynamic changes in the world, their expectations failed to keep up with dynamic changes (Su Dingwell, 2006). As a result, this developed a dire need to have re-arrangements of sporadic space to accommodate these dynamic changes. Information derived from daily operations rest primary on these daily operations. Consequently, space management in libraries is a necessity and hence the need to establish a space management system that has the capability to monitor and record data on how libraries use facilities and space. Such a demand has been particularly popular recently and development of modern technologies as a tool for library operations. The most appropriate and modern tool for library space management is the geographical information system due to its capability and excellence in spatial analysis and geographical navigation. Moreover, they solve problems concerned with space management in libraries significantly due to their great flexibility in analysis of geographical navigation.Geographical Information Systems (GIS)Geographic information system (GIS) has a critical role in enhancing achievement of location-based services. Taylor Blewitt (2006), defined Geographic information system as a set of tools that is capable of retrieving at will, collecting, storing, displaying, and transforming spatial data for a set of purposes form the real world. Location-based service is classified as a subset of mobile goeservices. Li FrÃÆ'mlohner, (2005) perceives LBS as having the ability for an information system to denote the position of a user based on userà ¢Ã¢â€š ¬s position in a given context or device users are carrying. On the other hand, Dawson et al., (2006) perceives location-based service as having the capacity to provide relevant, specific information according to a specified spatial location related to a physical region or point relevant to the surface of the earth.Although there are numerous deals on network technologies used on tracking and monitoring of subjects and objects, geographic information system is an add-on feature to them. Location based services would not be credible as commercial entities without GIS. According to Lopez (2004) it then follows that geographic information system is essential to the success of location-based service. Incentives for using geographic information service in location-based service incorporate: service provisioning, cost-effectiveness, competitive advantage, database creation, system performance, and use and access (Shiode et al., 2004).Point insidePoint Inside provides sketches for modern libraries, but libraries are more worthwhile for indoor location services as a Point Inside representative highlights. The applications permit librarians to converse straightforwardly to library users who are searching for reading materials. Use of point inside provides for the library the chance to modify requests for regular readers and emphasize on most recommended materials. The desire for libraries is that all readers entering their libraries not to leave without finding what t hey are searching for (Mountain Raper, 2001).Determining the location of a book in a library, certainly, is not a simple task, as GPS signals do not work efficiently in a building. WIFI access points within the library have a vital role in triangulating the location of a book in library is aided by point inside as an alternative. In libraries, WIFI used tends to be infrequency in stores though stores with several hotspots allow users to trace books efficiently and with accuracy.RESEARCH APPROACHThe information on which this research proposal was obtained was through a qualitative approach to deal with a case study research and cross-case examination (Stake, 1995). A qualitative methodology was utilized as it was viewed critical to collect in-depth information to comprehend GIS management tools can be used to effectively manage space in the libraries. The research included an inductive approach to deal with the information in the field. Information was collected through in-depth one -to-one interview, participantsà ¢Ã¢â€š ¬ perception, and through the survey of documentation and field notes. Semi-structured interviews were performed with librarians in libraries that have embraced modern technology in space management.The research procedure was an iterative one with understanding and investigation being continuous among the groups, interpretation, and reviewing. Investigation of meeting transcripts and the field notes was attempted with the assistance of NUD_IST (1997), a computer based qualitative information analysis package that facilitated the organization of the data.RESULTS ANALYSISThe ultimate purpose for managing a GIS library space management tool is data analysis. According to different designs, analytical units will change though the conduct of data analysis will keep on a case-by-case basis. The means of data presentation took multiple forms; the textual and graphical reporting. Presenting data in graphical form gives an understanding and this is a simple GIS tool. However, whenever analysis is more complex, it requires advanced statistical representations. GIS tools provide dynamic reporting mechanisms to ensure the task is fulfilled. Therefore, to develop a fulfilling task, time was used in exploring reporting and analytical utilities of the geographical information systems. One of the most popular tool used in space management is point insider. Mathematical expressions were used in data in the database to perform spatial analysis for specific designs and purposes.Personalized formulas were also used to incorporate with models to solve particular problems. Hence, the GIS products are perceived as powerful and flexible for spatial analysis. As soon as the analysis was finished, the results were sent to a customized report and presented to graphical interfaces for enhanced visualization. GIS tools are also a great tool for geographical navigation and spatial analysis and hence they have a great flexibility in solving issues re lated with library space management. The issue addresses the aspect of the GIS tools in exploiting the aspect of their great fun...
Sunday, May 17, 2020
Margaret Atwood s The Handmaid Tale Essay - 1166 Words
It is necessary for the government to impose a certain amount of power and control of its citizens in order for a society to function properly. However, too much power and control in a society eliminates the freedom of the residents, forbidding them to live an ordinary life. In the dystopian futuristic novel, The Handmaids Tale, Margaret Atwood demonstrates the theme of power and control through an oppressive society called the Republic of Gilead. The government established power and control through the use of the wall, military control, the salvaging, the particicution, and gender. The dead bodies of those who have committed acts against the government hang on a structure called the Wall. The Wall is a method to implement fear on the citizens. Offred describes the purpose of the wall when she states, â€Å"We stop, together as of on signal and stand to loook at the bodies. It doesn’t matter if we look. Were supposed to look: this is what they are there for, hanging on the wall. Sometimes they’ll be there for days, until there’s a new batch, so as many people as possible will have a chance to see them†(Atwood 40). The wall is a symbol of sin and it creates fear and force in the Republic of Gilead. It is a warning to the citizens of the punishment for disobeying the rules. The people that hang on the Wall â€Å"have committed atrocities and must be made into examples, for the rest†(Atwood 42). Therefore, when the citizens see the punishment for violating the government’s rules, theyShow MoreRelatedThe Handmaid s Tale By Margaret Atwood1357 Words  | 6 PagesOxford definition: â€Å"the advocacy of women s rights on the ground of the equality of the sexes†(Oxford dictionary). In the novel The Handmaid’s Tale, Margaret Atwood explores feminism through the themes of women’s bodies as political tools, the dynamics of rape culture and the society of complacency. Margaret Atwood was born in 1939, at the beginning of WWII, growing up in a time of fear. In the autumn of 1984, when she began writing The Handmaid’s Tale, she was living in West Berlin. The BerlinRead MoreThe Handmaid s Tale By Margaret Atwood1249 Words  | 5 PagesDystopian Research Essay: The Handmaid’s Tale by Margaret Atwood In the words of Erika Gottlieb With control of the past comes domination of the future. A dystopia reflects and discusses major tendencies in contemporary society. The Handmaid s Tale is a dystopian novel written by Margaret Atwood in 1985. The novel follows its protagonist Offred as she lives in a society focused on physical and spiritual oppression of the female identity. Within The Handmaid s Tale it is evident that through the explorationRead MoreThe Handmaid s Tale By Margaret Atwood1060 Words  | 5 Pagesideologies that select groups of people are to be subjugated. The Handmaid’s Tale by Margaret Atwood plays on this idea dramatically: the novel describes the oppression of women in a totalitarian theocracy. Stripped of rights, fertile women become sex objects for the politically elite. These women, called the Handmaids, are forced to cover themselves and exist for the sole purpose of providing children. The Handmaid’s Tale highlights the issue of sexism while also providing a cruel insight into theRead MoreThe Handmaid s Tale By Margaret Atwood1659 Words  | 7 Pagesbook The Handmaid s Tale by Margaret Atwood, the foremost theme is identity, due to the fact that the city where the entire novel takes place in, the city known as the Republic of Gilead, often shortened to Gilead, strips fertile women of their identities. Gilead is a society that demands the women who are able to have offspring be stripped of all the identity and rights. By demeaning these women, they no longer view themselves as an individual, but rather as a group- the group of Handmaids. It isRead MoreThe Handmaid s Tale By Margaret Atwood1237 Words  | 5 Pages The display of a dystopian society is distinctively shown in The Handmaid’s Tale, by Margaret Atwood. Featuring the Republic of Gilead, women are categorized by their differing statuses and readers get an insight into this twisted society through the lenses of the narrator; Offred. Categorized as a handmaid, Offred’s sole purpose in living is to simply and continuously play the role of a child-bearing vessel. That being the case, there is a persistent notion that is relatively brought up by thoseRead MoreThe Handmaid s Tale By Margaret Atwood1548 Words  | 7 PagesIn Margaret Atwood’s The Handmaid’s Tale, The theme of gender, sexuality, and desire reigns throughout the novel as it follows the life of Offred and other characters. Attwood begins the novel with Offred, a first person narrator who feels as if she is misplaced when she is describing her sleeping scenery at the decaying school gymnasium. The narrator, Offred, explains how for her job she is assigned to a married Commander’s house where she is obligated to have sex with him on a daily basis, so thatRead MoreThe Handmaid s Tale, By Margaret Atwood1629 Words  | 7 Pages Atwood s novel, The Handmaid s Tale depicts a not too futuristic society of Gilead, a society that overthrows the U.S. Government and institutes a totalitarian regime that seems to persecute women specifically. Told from the main character s point of view, Offred, explains the Gilead regime and its patriarchal views on some women, known as the handmaids, to a purely procreational function. The story is set the present tense in Gilead but frequently shifts to flashbacks in her time at the RedRead MoreThe Handmaid s Tale By Margaret Atwood1256 Words  | 6 Pageshappened to Jews in Germany, slaves during Christopher Columbus’s days, slaves in the early 1900s in America, etc. When people systematically oppress one another, it leads to internal oppression of the oppressed. This is evident in Margaret Atwood’s book, The Handmaid’s Tale. This dystopian fiction book is about a young girl, Offred, who lives in Gilead, a dystopian society. Radical feminists complained about their old lifestyles, so in Gilead laws and rules are much different. For example, men cannotRead MoreThe Handmaid s Tale By Margaret Atwood1540 Words  | 7 Pages Name: Nicole. Zeng Assignment: Summative written essay Date:11 May, 2015. Teacher: Dr. Strong. Handmaid’s Tale The literary masterpiece The Handmaid’s Tale by Margaret Atwood, is a story not unlike a cold fire; hope peeking through the miserable and meaningless world in which the protagonist gets trapped. The society depicts the discrimination towards femininity, blaming women for their low birth rate and taking away the right from the females to be educated ,forbidding them from readingRead MoreThe Handmaid s Tale By Margaret Atwood1667 Words  | 7 Pagesrhetorical devices and figurative language, that he or she is using. The Handmaid’s Tale, which is written by Margaret Atwood, is the novel that the author uses several different devices and techniques to convey her attitude and her points of view by running the story with a narrator Offred, whose social status in the Republic of Gilead is Handmaid and who is belongings of the Commander. Atwood creates her novel The Handmaid’s Tale to be more powerful tones by using imagery to make a visibleness, hyperbole
Wednesday, May 6, 2020
The Impact Of Internet Technology On The World - 855 Words
Introduction Internet history, security and technology are one of our generation technological advancement that influences and moving the world more in to a globalized system. This is my own personal perspective that showed and clearly stated about the benefit of this development and what is the potential negative that influence the world. What is a advantages of internet technology globally ? Surprisingly an internet history, security and technology have been over twenty-year’s sins actively existed and become a popular around our great world for good. The internet technology and World Wide Web seems to have changed dramatically since then and money things has been changed around internet technology development globally. it seems great development around world trade that run every business any place in the world without boundary as a result of globalization. We buy and sell a product from any corner of world we want online and we can even have a trade deal with a small and big corporate business online nationally and internationally. have a great interaction among different country s government, businesses organization, and society in globally. Internets technology developments allow the world global trade an outstanding role, gave a chance to industries and trade system actively reached all over the world a nd helped the global trade system where it belongs today. this development are allowed world societies to have had a great interactions and have aShow MoreRelatedThe Impact Of Internet Technology On The World867 Words  | 4 PagesIntroduction Internet history, security and technology are one of our generations technological advancement that influences and moving the world more in to a globalized system. This is my own personal perspective that showed and clearly stated about the benefit of this development and what is the positive and the negative that potential influence the world. What is an advantage of internet technology globally ? Surprisingly an internet history, security and technology have been overRead MoreThe Impact Of Internet Technology On The World Essay960 Words  | 4 PagesIntroduction Internet history, security and technology are one of our generations technological advancement that influences and moving the world more in to a globalized system. This is my own personal perspective that showed and clearly stated about the benefit of this development and what is the positive and the negative that potential influence the world. What is an advantage of internet technology globally ? Surprisingly an internet history, security and technology have been overRead MoreImpact of Technology on Education1146 Words  | 5 Pages------------------------------------------------- Positive Impact of Technology on Education Technology plays a very important role in the field of education, especially in this 21st century. In fact, computer technology has become easier for teachers to transfer knowledge and for students to obtain it. The use of technology has made the process of teaching and learning more convenient. Talking in a positive sense, the impact of technology on education has been extraordinary. Using Internet and computers as en effective mediumRead MoreArguementative Eassy on Dependent on Technology1092 Words  | 5 PagesPersuasive Essay: Have people become overly dependent on technology? Technology. Perhaps youve heard of it. 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The world today is so interconnected and informed due to the efficiency of the Internet. The introduction of the Internet changed the world for the better with many great improvementsRead More The Impact of Internet on Users and their Way of Thinking Essay1204 Words  | 5 Pagesdevelopment of internet causes considerable changes in social relations and people lifestyle. Internet users spend most of their life online. One of the recent trends is the development of social networks, which encourage the creation of realistic communities. In such a situation, the quest ion concerning the impact of Internet on human being, especially on human brain and behavior arises. In this concern, views on the impact of Internet vary consistently. On the one hand, Internet is recognized asRead MoreTechnological Advancement And Its Impact On Technology975 Words  | 4 PagesChoose one area of technological advancement and the impact it is having on moving us toward a more globalized system. I believe that the area of technological advancement that have the most impact on moving us towards a global world are advancements in telecommunications. No matter what other technology advances we make, without the ability to communicate in real time instantly, we could not share technological advancements with other countries and people in other places to harness our collaborativeRead MoreDoes Social Networking Have A Positive And Or Negative Affect On Individuals?942 Words  | 4 Pagesconnecting with friends/family, receiving information, and building relationships. Social media has a positive impact on individuals in society because individuals are able to connect with one another via email, twitter, facebook, instagram, snapchat, and etc. With more options of social networking websites, individuals are able to receive information about what is currently happening around the world, or even in their own town. Individuals are not only able to receive information within seconds , but inform
Tuesday, May 5, 2020
Medically Unexplained Symptoms
Question: Discuss about theMedically Unexplained Symptoms. Answer: Background of the Study a) Briefly describe the issue on which the study is focused. In the research article, Lidn, Bjrk-Brmberg Svensson, (2015) highlighted the issue of the patients suffering and living with medically unexplained symptoms (MUS) in a primary healthcare setting. The article also shows the perceptions of the MUS patients in coping with the condition and living with it. The issue related with the condition of MUS is that it is viewed as the fault of the medical diagnosis and not the potential of the patients living with the condition in their daily life. The issues addressed in the research also encompass the frustrations of the physicians and nurses in providing the patient centred care in MUS. b) What is the significance of the study? The significance of the study is that it illustrates the perceptions and consequences that the patients face suffering from MUS. As MUS is a very serious condition that affects the quality of life of the people, this research holds significance as there is lack of extensive research made in this field. This research is also significant as it focuses on the capabilities and possibilities for the mental and physical well-being of the MUS patients. This study also demonstrates the perceptions of the MUS patients in coping with the condition and in leading a normal life. Overview of research design a) What was the aim of the research? The aim of the study was to interpret and describe the experiences of the patients suffering from MUS in primary healthcare setting. The research is focused on understanding the ways in which the MUS patients learn to live with their condition. It also encompasses the coping attitude in the patients in leading a normal life. Despite of having a frustrated life, they try to live with the condition and move on with their life while taking care of themselves. b) What research design was used? Phenomenological-hermeneutic method is the research design used for the study. This method revolves around themes like interpretation, textual, dialogue, tradition, pre-understanding and meaning. This method is employed in qualitative research where the authors described the perceptions of the patients living with MUS as the phenomena. These phenomena are described and interpreted even after the method is unending and tentative. Another research conducted by Kornelsen et al., (2016) also illustrated the use of phenomenological-hermeneutic method in explaining the consequences and perceptions of the patients living with MUS. c) Was it appropriate? Why/why not? This method is appropriate as it helps to understand the perceptions of the patients living with MUS from a phenomenological perspective in a primary healthcare setting. This method is very advantageous as it is highly flexible to the emerging issues that might arise due to MUS in the patients. This method is highly relevant and natural in fulfilling the aims of the research study. This method is appropriate as it provides a better understanding of the perceptions of the people who are living with the MUS condition. It gives a philosophical movement that fulfills the objectives of the research. Sampling a) Who were the study participants? The study participants comprise of the MUS patients of the age group of 24-61 years. The patients were chosen from the two suburban primary healthcare centres situated in Sweden. In the final sample size, majority were from the immigrant background. b) What are the inclusion and exclusion criteria of the sample? The inclusion and exclusion data collection was adopted by the researchers for the sampling method. During the inclusion method, the patients of the age 18-65 years who had eight visits in a primary healthcare setting with a physician or a nurse during the previous twelve methods in Sweden. The patients were also included based on the criteria where they have no psychiatric or organic reason for frequent visits to the primary healthcare centres. Moreover, it also comprises of the 50% of the patients who reported MUS. The potential subjects were screened through the incoming telephone calls from the patients to the primary healthcare centres. After the screening procedure, the patients were contacted through telephone asking for their participation in the research method. Around 20 patients were selected after they agreed to participate in the research process. However, through the exclusion criteria, many recruited participants were excluded through extensive data collection method. Out of 1379 participants, 1328 were excluded and 51 were included. On the other hand, through the inclusion method, out of 1010 participants, 87 were included and 923 excluded through the minimal data collection method. At last, 10 participants were chosen as the sample size of the age 24 to 61 years. Among the sample size, seven were women and three were men The majority of the participants were from immigrant backgrounds. c) Why is it important to have these criteria identified before recruitment? This criterion is important as it determines the scope for the research and validity of the findings. This also aids the researchers in the proper designing of the research and in the execution of the study in a correct manner. The inclusion criteria helped the researchers to include the subjects that are suitable for the study and in excluding the participants who were disqualified from the inclusion in the study. d) What sampling technique was employed in this study? Purposeful sampling method was employed by the researchers where the subjects were chosen after the pre-selection fulfilling the criteria for the aim of the research. e) Was it appropriate for the research design? Why/why not? The employed technique was appropriate as the subjects were pre-determined. They were selected based on the fulfilling criteria for the research objective. The data was collected from the patients of the age 24-61 years living with MUS. f) How was the sample size determined? The sample size was determined by the criteria of exclusion and inclusion. The minimal and extensive data collection was applied according to which the sample size was selected. The sample size is of the age 24-61 years old suffering from MUS in the primary healthcare setting. g) Was it appropriate? Why/why not? This method was appropriate as the sample size that was selected fulfilled the criteria of the research study. The data collected was relevant and ensured validity. Data collection a) How was the data collected? In the given article, the data was collected via primary data collection method. The data was collected directly from the participants that were the patients suffering from MUS in a primary healthcare setting. This ensured reliability as the data was collected directly from the subjects. b) Was the data collection method appropriate for the study question and the research design? Why/why not? This primary data collection method was appropriate as it was taken directly from the patients who were selected from the age group of 24-61 years. Through this method, 10 patients suffering from MUS were selected through narrations and interviews. c) Define the concept of rigor. In qualitative research, rigor was used to show the research tools that fulfilled the criteria of objectives and aims of the research. The trust worthiness is also determined through rigor that helps to identify the questions that are important and needs to be addressed. The rigor also consists of the research philosophy that was also used in the data collection. d) Discuss two measures taken/not taken to ensure rigor. In the given article, measures were taken for ensuring rigor in the data collection method. The collection of data was done in an authentic way and the participants who were selected were pre-determined in terms of age that is 24-6 years old and criteria of MUS in a primary healthacre setting. Data analysis/results a) Identify and describe the method of data analysis. The analysis of data was done in three steps that comprises of naive reading, structural analysis and comprehensive understanding. The narrations that the patients provided were read many a times to analyze the text called the naive understanding. After that, through structural analysis, the texts were validated and interpretation was done where the text was divided into themes and subthemes that illustrated the criteria of the research study. Another study conducted by Stone, (2013) where the author had also used the thematic analysis for the interpretation of the data. In the article, the researcher had interviewed the general practitioners of Australia in explaining the management of the physical and emotional symptoms MUS patients. Was it appropriate? Why/why not? It was not appropriate for the research study that helped in analysing the texts of the narratives of the patients and in decoding to understand the perceptions of the MUS patients. The systematic text condensation method is appropriate as works under a phenomenological framework that comprises of identification, condensation, total impression and meaning units to draw conclusion. What were the findings? The findings showed that the results were divided into subthemes and themes concluded from the narratives of the patients. The naive understanding illustrated that the patients were shattered as they were unable to lead a normal life. They struggled as they try to interpret their symptoms and also try to manage their life. The themes comprises of the patients feelings in leading a normal life where they feel overwhelmed because of the symptoms and accept the condition and try to live with it. The sense of self is lost due to MUS condition. They keep searching for the reasons of their unexplained symptoms and in the meanwhile, learn self-care. They also become mindful and try to accept and move on with their life. Can the study findings be used in other settings? Why/why not? These findings can be used in other settings for the psychological interventions that would help the healthcare professionals in delivering the patient centred care to the MUS patients. Evidence utilization Would you recommend the findings of this study be implemented in clinical practice? Why/why not? These findings can be implemented in the designing of the psychological interventions that would help them to cope up with the unexplained symptoms and lead their lives (Stone, 2013). The understanding and interpretation of the perceptions of the MUS patients is important as it helps the healthcare professionals in the primary healthcare setting in providing patient centred care and in addressing the psychological needs of the MUS patients. References Kornelsen, J., Atkins, C., Brownell, K., Woollard, R. (2016). The meaning of patient experiences of medically unexplained physical symptoms. Qualitative health research, 26(3), 367-376. Lidn, E., Bjrk-Brmberg, E., Svensson, S. (2015). The meaning of learning to live with medically unexplained symptoms as narrated by patients in primary care: A phenomenological-hermeneutic study. International journal of qualitative studies on health and well-being, 10. Stone, L. (2013). Making sense of medically unexplained symptoms in general practice: a grounded theory study. Mental health in family medicine, 10(2), 101. Stone, L. (2013). Reframing chaos. AustrAliAn FAmily PhysiciAn, 42(7), 1.
Sunday, April 19, 2020
Jazz Bio on Jazz musician Miles Davis
Introduction Miles Dewey Davis III is a renowned American musician and composer who was born on 26, 1926 at Alton, Illinois. He died September 28, 1991. He is remembered for his contribution towards the development of Jazz music. He was the son to Doctor Davis, who is credited to have nurtured the talent in his son of playing the guitar. His mother was Cleota Mae (Cook, 2007). This paper analyzes the life of Miles Dewey Davis III.Advertising We will write a custom research paper sample on Jazz Bio on Jazz musician Miles Davis specifically for you for only $16.05 $11/page Learn More Music Career His parents realized their son’s talent at the age of 13 where the father bought him a trumpet and enrolled him to music classes conducted by Elwood Buchanan. At the age of 16, Miles was playing as a professional musician whenever he was out of school. During his final year at high School he was so refined that he was playing as a reliable member of Eddie R andle’s band, the Blue Devils. At the same time Tiny Bradshaw was strongly persuading him to join their band but his mother insisted that he had to finish his secondary school education before joining the band. In 1944, after his high school education, he traveled to New York where he was to pursue his dream without the influence of his parents; however he had gone to the state to study music at Juilliard School of Music. In the midst of his studies he started playing at Minton’s Playhouse and Monroe’s night clubs. He did not finish his studies at Juilliard but dropped saying that the school offered a lot of classical European and â€Å"white†repertoire. He started playing in clubs as a freelance singer (Ward and Burns, 2000). In 1945, with Herbie Fields’s group, Miles entered into studio to record as a side man. For the next three years, he was looking for a good collaboration to start recording as a leader, however this was hard to come by. He d ecided to go it alone in 1948 (Cook Brian, n.d). 1948- 49 This is seen as the period that saw the birth of cool Jazz. In 1948, Davis made friends with Gil Evans, an established singer of the time who housed a lot of young singers in his apartment. This gave Davis a chance to interact with young and old singers of the time. Evans was the founder of Claude Thornhill orchestra where he tried incorporating a new style of music. In the time, a total number of ten people were involved in the move. Davis got interested in the new development that he was made a leader. Using the nonet, they performed in different places across New York and were applauded for quality. However, the group did not last past 1949, where there was a change of personalities. The level the project had reached was comfortable to Davis and could not leave it at the point so he held on to the new system. Advertising Looking for research paper on art and design? Let's see if we can help you! Get your first paper with 15% OFF Learn More Before their break up, they recorded with Capitol Records a number of songs which were released in 1956 and named as Birth of the Cool. It later came to be known as cool jazz. After the break of the nonet, Davis and Evans remained good friends; they had similar mission and worked hard to benefit from it. 1950–54 Davis traveled to Europe and found a complete new development where African music had dominated the continent. The music was more appreciated than any other music. He got into a relationship with Juliette Greco (French singer and actress). When he went back to New York, Miles suffered depression partly as result of leaving his love in France and had no friends (his friends were left in Europe); he resorted to taking drugs. He got addicted to heroin and witnessed his friend die of the drug. His efforts to stop taking the drugs hit a hard rock until he decided to return to his father in St. Louis where he locked himself in a room. He p layed only in Detroit and vowed not to return to New York. 1955 – 58 After recovery from drugs, Davis decided to go back to New York and try his luck there. He attended Newport Jazz Festival where he played as a solo artist. He recruited young musicians and formed what came to be called â€Å"first great quintet†. 1960’s to 1991 This was the time that electric music had started to develop but he held to his style. He got married to a model and song writer Betty Mabry; however he divorced her after a year. This time he was still using cocaine but his music had already gotten in the system of Americans and Europeans. He made travels to Colombia, France, and United Kingdom among other European countries where his style of music was applauded. In 1979, he rekindled his love with actress Cicely Tyson who worked tirelessly to see him out of the drug menace. She was successful. After regaining health and form he continued doing what he liked most with a young band whi ch saw him play his last song in Columbia called You’re under Arrest. He also was able to make a strong band which had personnel like Mino Cinelu and guitarist John Scofield, who had adopted his kind of music. Advertising We will write a custom research paper sample on Jazz Bio on Jazz musician Miles Davis specifically for you for only $16.05 $11/page Learn More On the morning of September 28, 1991, he died in hospital after suffering stroke, pneumonia, and respiratory problems; this was in Santa Monica, California. His body was rested in Woodlawn Cemetery in The Bronx; he was 65 years and married to Cicely Tyson (Mandel, 2007). Legacy Davis is known as one of the most influential musician in history. He nurtured a number of talents and gave rise to Jazz music. The album Kind of Blue is unsurpassed in terms of sales. Though his music has aspects of African American, he is seen as one who was innovative and influenced people to sing. He has led to development of singers like, The Gaslight Anthem. Awards During his career, he was awarded a number of awards by different organizations for his contributions. Some of the awards that he got include Down Beat in 1955, 1957, and 1961, Grammy Award, 1960, 1970, and 1982, among others. Even after his death he was offered Hollywood’s Rock walk in 2006 (Fadoir, 2009). Conclusion Miles Dewey Davis III is a renown American musician and composer who was born on 26, 1926 and died on September 28, 1991. He is remembered for his contribution in Jazz music development. His music still remains as world’s best selling music. Though his life was influenced by Heroin addiction, his creativity led to the development of Jazz music. Reference List Cook, R. (2007). It’s About That Time: Miles Davis On and Off Record. New York: Oxford University Press. Cook, R. and Brian, M. (n.d). Entry â€Å"Miles Davis†in Penguin Guide to Jazz. New York: Penguin. Fadoir, N. (2009). Jazz and Hip Hop: You Know, for Kids. Michigan: Michigan State University.Advertising Looking for research paper on art and design? Let's see if we can help you! Get your first paper with 15% OFF Learn More Mandel, H. (2007). Miles, Ornette, Cecil: Jazz Beyond Jazz. New York: Routledge. Ward, G.C., and Burns, K. (2000). Jazz: a history of America’s music. New York: Alfred A. Knopf. This research paper on Jazz Bio on Jazz musician Miles Davis was written and submitted by user Sara Chapman to help you with your own studies. You are free to use it for research and reference purposes in order to write your own paper; however, you must cite it accordingly. You can donate your paper here.
Sunday, March 15, 2020
Sexual Pressures Essays - Fertility, Sexual Acts, Sexual Health, RTT
Sexual Pressures Essays - Fertility, Sexual Acts, Sexual Health, RTT Sexual Pressures The media is just one of the factors responsible for the increase in teen sexuality. Throughout a humans adolescents years they are subject to a number of sexual pressures. Through research I have found that peers are among the most influential. An adolescent is not limited to peer pressure though. They face pressures from the media as well. I believe that media pressure is just a influential as peer pressure. There is also other pressure, from people such as older friends, parents, and just adults in general. Peers is a term that can be defined as friends. I have found that many teens have friends that are athletes. In high schools, boy athletes outscore all of the other boys with the girls(Elias 1). On the other hand , girls on sports teams are much less sexually active than other females who do not play sports(Elias 1). This shows that male athletes are far more pressuring each other on the issue of sexuality. So for males who are into sports they are subjected to a host of pressures and can as a result do things they would not normally do. On the contrary, I found that females who do sports are far less pressured and influenced about sex. In fact they are far less likely to be sexually active than teen females who do not participate in sports. I believe that all teens in general should know the results of being a sexually active teen. There are many consequences of being sexually active, one of the major one being sexually transmitted diseases. A sexually transmitted disease might not sound so bad but, some can cause sterility and even worse , death. Even when condoms are used, a STD can still be transmitted. Depending on the type of std they can or can not be cured. A few diseases that can not be cured include herpes, HPV, And HIV, which later turns into the virus AIDS. The disease HPV can cause cervical cancer and HIV results in a long, painful death. Almost a third of sexually active teens contracted a new STD within a mere six months, reported one study, even among condom users(Terilliger 2). Once a teen has become sexually active he or she must assume new roles. Males must think about the issue of perhaps becoming a father by accident of intentionally. Moreover, females must think about all the consequences of having sex. No sex happens to be the safest form of sexual activity. It is not hard for a condom to break of for birth control pills to be forgotten once or twice during a cycle to cause a pregnancy. In addition, once a female becomes pregnant there are few options she can explore. In a like manner, adults are an impact on a teens sexuality. Most teens look up to an adult and admire them. Likewise, they want to try to be like there idol. This is why an adult can have a profound impact on a teen trying to cope with the pressures of sexuality. That is why all adults in all classes of society should watch what they do or say in relation to teens. For example, The President of the United States was adulterous and lied about it. We as society say so what? when the accusations surfaced at first(Kavanagh 13). In the same fashion, the media plays a huge part of sexual pressures exerted on a teen. One way being television. Television at the present time is full of vulgarness and sex. As far as prime time television is concerned is safer to watch old re runs of the Lucy Show and the Cosby Show. they ere from an era where sex was not such a prime time staple(Riley 186). This show how much society has changed concerning sex. In the old times sex was not a way to get better ratings like it is today. Similarly, music has an impact on an adolescents sexuality. Rap lyrics at the current time are full of obscenities and words concerning sex. In the rapper Eminem's song Role Model , he says, Im going to rape her and leave her, once I get near her(mathers 1). When the media says these kind of things teens are lead to believe that this type of behavior is normal and should not be digressed. Every teen listens to some kind of
Thursday, February 27, 2020
Discussions Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 750 words
Discussions - Essay Example Newsweek translates Obama’s intention as: "I will go only if we can win; I dont want to be photographed losing." Copenhagen was to have been the most important international conference after Kyoto, because it was expected to produce a treaty updating the targets set during that earlier conference. It will be recalled that the Kyoto Protocol is an international environmental treaty adopted in December of 1997 and which entered into force in February of 2005. The Protocol called for industrialized countries to reduce their greenhouse gas emissions by 5.2% from their 1990 levels. Today, 187 countries have signed and ratified the protocol. Significantly, the only industrialized nation in the world who adamantly refuses to sign the treaty is that country responsible for 36.1% of world emissions – the United States of America. What is one to make of this, except America’s apparent disinterest in the future of the world environment? Certainly, its importance is not lost on the new US President, inasmuch as he made climate change a cornerstone of his campaign platform. From the new President’s actuations and flimsy reasons, it appears this was all lip service, and that in this great country, the welfare of future generations has already lost to political agenda, selfish economic interests, and the desire to avoid being â€Å"photographed losing.†The Presidency of the United States used to stand as a symbol of principled governance in the face of global threats, as the USA used to be a beacon of all that is right and good in a dark, oppressive world. When Obama gets photographed receiving his Nobel prize for nothing in particular, he should remember that recently another American democrat received his Nobel for fighting against global warming. He should also realize that, image-enhancing or not, it is his duty not only as his nation’s
Tuesday, February 11, 2020
Business 50 p week 2 Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 250 words
Business 50 p week 2 - Essay Example Policies and procedures define the service culture and the mode of operation within an organization. The essence of recommending changes in the manner in which policies and procedures are established is to give priorities on certain aspects that are critical for employees and customers. Formulation of policies and the process of implementation requires an approach that focusses centrally on the clients while maintaining the interest of the employees (Martinez & Hobbi, 2008). Most of the policies focus on the organization and not the workers and the clients who are supposed to be served. Service culture requires a two-dimensional approach where the interest of the customers and the employees are catered for with due diligence. Catering for the needs of the employees enhance motivation thus increasing the levels of productivity for the organization. Consequently, a customer-centric approach in policy formulation ensures that the client satisfaction in terms of service delivery is achieved as appropriate (Martinez & Hobbi, 2008). Changing the design of policies and procedures enhance prompt service delivery positive impact on the service culture of the
Friday, January 31, 2020
Method of Inquiry Essay Example for Free
Method of Inquiry Essay The method of inquiry is based on gathering observable, factual and measureable evidence. Basically, methods of inquiry are ways that an investigator gathers the information for the case that they are investigating. Methods of inquiry are used in criminal investigation by collecting evidence, statement collection, and going through electronic databases and even the internet. The methods of inquiry are all used in conjunction to reconstruct the crime scene. The methods are also used by utilizing the five W’s, who, what, when, where, and why, and also how. There are three methods of inquiry that are used in an investigation and those are authority method, tenacity method, and intuition. An example of a method of inquiry is when an investigator is collecting the statements from either the victims or witnesses. The investigator will take all the information and evidence that is collected, compile it all together and come up with the reconstruction of the crime that was committed. The optimal mindset of an investigator is one that is able to look for the motive of the crime that is at hand and able to investigate all the possibilities of even the most obvious evidence that has been gathered. In my own opinion, I think that an optimal mindset is where the investigator can process all the evidence at hand, in their mind and come up with a conclusion of what occurred. Also I believe that the mindset is one that can be taught through training and experience. The scientific method is a systematic approach of observation, hypothesis formation, hypothesis testing and hypothesis evaluation that forms the basis for modern science. There are anywhere from five to eight steps in the scientific method. However, all versions of the scientific method involve the person trying to solve the problem experimenting to find an answer. A prudent criminal investigator will apply the scientific method within the course of his or her investigation to ensure that an investigation is done neutrally and without basis.
Thursday, January 23, 2020
Free Essays on Terrorism: A Message to the Terrorists :: September 11 Terrorism Essays
A Message to the Terrorists "You monster. You beast. You unspeakable bastard. "What lesson did you hope to teach us by your coward's attack on our World Trade Center, our Pentagon, us? What was it you hoped we would learn? Whatever it was, please know that you failed. "Did you want us to respect your cause? You just damned your cause. "Did you want to make us fear? You just steeled our resolve. "Did you want to tear us apart? You just brought us together. "Let me tell you about my people. We are a vast and quarrelsome family, a family rent by racial, social, political and class division, but a family nonetheless. We're frivolous, yes, capable of expending tremendous emotional energy on pop cultural minutiae -- a singer's revealing dress, a ball team's misfortune, a cartoon mouse. We're wealthy, too, spoiled by the ready availability of trinkets and material goods, and maybe because of that, we walk through life with a certain sense of blithe entitlement. We are fundamentally decent, though -- peace-loving and compassionate. We struggle to know the right thing and to do it. And we are, the overwhelming majority of us, people of faith, believers in a just and loving God. "Some people -- you, perhaps -- think that any or all of this makes us weak. You're mistaken. We are not weak. Indeed, we are strong in ways that cannot be measured by arsenals. "Yes, we're in pain now. We are in mourning and we are in shock. We're still grappling with the unreality of the awful thing you did, still working to make ourselves understand that this isn't a special effect from some Hollywood blockbuster, isn't the plot development from a Tom Clancy novel. Both in terms of the awful scope of their ambition and the probable final death toll, your attacks are likely to go down as the worst acts of terrorism in the history of the United States and, probably, the history of the world. You've bloodied us as we have never been bloodied before. "But there's a gulf of difference between making us bloody and making us fall. This is the lesson Japan was taught to its bitter sorrow the last time anyone hit us this hard, the last time anyone brought us such abrupt and monumental pain.
Wednesday, January 15, 2020
Crowded Coasts Essay
Using named examples, describe how physical and economic factors have lead to crowded coasts? The area around the coast may have a better climate than inland for jobs. For example, in Australia, rainfall is much greater nearer the coast and so most of the farmland is within 300-400km of the coastline. The ability to earn a living through farming means more people would move to the coast as it will create a higher crop yield and ultimately and greater profit. Recent droughts in inland Australia makes the coast the best place to farm. The coast may also have valuable resources that would bring people because of job opportunities or goods. The sea can give food from the fish and promote fishermen, the sand could be used to create glass and there might be some valuable resources such as coal, oil or natural gas which could attract people as there would need to be multiple workers. So, the more resources are found on the coast, the more jobs are needed to fill them and so people who may b e in unemployment inland will see this and move to the coast. The climate on the coast also lead to crowded coasts as the climate is usually ‘better’ than inland or in other areas. An example is Costa Rica in Spain where people move due to the Mediterranean and which is also a factor in why many ex-pats live in the South of Spain to get away from the British weather. The climate might be cooler and so more comfortable living and working conditions such as Australia or the moderate temperatures all year around (Dorset is the 2nd sunniest and have very few days of snow and frost). The environment would also appeal to people who have been living in densely populated cities as there is a high density of ecosystems and so this would appeal to not just the people living there but provides income through tourism and so more people would go to the coast for jobs. Jobs could include working at hotels on the coast or through giving diving tours of coral reefs. Eventually, more people would move to the coast for these jobs making it more crowded but also from the tourists who visit the area. The transport links in the coastal areas means people have the ability to live on the coast but also can commute to a city if needed. The transport links would encourage urban growth as a main port on the coast would bring employment. The extra transport also means tourism can thrive as people can get on a train/airplane and get to the destination quickly. An example is Bournemouth which is a large tourist area and has a station located not too far from the coast but also a small airport for local flights so people around the country can go to Bournemouth as a tourist. The cost of living could also be cheaper if you are living in smaller coastal towns and so could be appealing for young families who are short of income. This is the case for Spain’s Costa geriatric and Australia. However, once more people move in the house prices will increase but if it’s only a small town then more people will become interested but the house prices will start relatively low.
Monday, January 6, 2020
Battle of Fort Washington in the American Revolution
The Battle of Fort Washington was fought on November 16, 1776, during the American Revolution (1775-1783). Having defeated the British at the Siege of Boston in March 1776, General George Washington moved his army south to New York City. Laying out defenses for the city in conjunction with Brigadier General Nathanael Greene and Colonel Henry Knox, he selected a site on the north end of Manhattan for a fort. Located near the highest point on the island, work began on Fort Washington under the guidance of Colonel Rufus Putnam. Constructed of earth, the fort lacked a surrounding ditch as American forces did not have sufficient powder for blasting out the rocky soil around the site. A five-sided structure with bastions, Fort Washington, along with Fort Lee on the opposite bank of the Hudson, was intended to command the river and prevent British warships from moving north. To further defend the fort, three lines of defenses were laid out to the south. While the first two were completed, construction on the third lagged. Supporting works and batteries were constructed on Jeffreys Hook, Laurel Hill, and on a hill overlooking Spuyten Duyvil Creek to the north. Work continued as Washingtons army was defeated at the Battle of Long Island in late August. American Commanders Colonel Robert Magaw3,000 men British Commanders General William HoweGeneral Wilhelm von Kynphausen8,000 men To Hold or Retreat Landing on Manhattan in September, British forces compelled Washington to abandon New York City and retreat north. Occupying a strong position, he won a victory at Harlem Heights on September 16. Unwilling to directly attack the American lines, General William Howe elected to move his army north to Throgs Neck and then on to Pells Point. With the British in his rear, Washington crossed over from Manhattan with the bulk of his army lest it be trapped on the island. Clashing with Howe at White Plains on October 28, he was again forced to fall back. Halting at Dobbs Ferry, Washington elected to split his army with Major General Charles Lee remaining on the east bank of the Hudson and Major General William Heath directed to take men to the Hudson Highlands. Washington then moved with 2,000 men to Fort Lee. Due to its isolated position in Manhattan, he wished to evacuate Colonel Robert Magaws 3,000-man garrison at Fort Washington but was convinced to retain the fort by Greene and Putnam. Returning to Manhattan, Howe began making plans to assault the fort. On November 15, he dispatched Lieutenant Colonel James Patterson with a message demanding Magaws surrender. The British Plan To take the fort, Howe intended to strike from three directions while feinting from a fourth. While General Wilhelm von Kynphausens Hessians were to attack from the north, Lord Hugh Percy was to advance from the south with a mixed force of British and Hessian troops. These movements would be supported by Major General Lord Charles Cornwallis and Brigadier General Edward Mathew attacking across the Harlem River from the northeast. The feint would come from the east, where the 42nd Regiment of Foot (Highlanders) would cross the Harlem River behind the American lines. The Attack Begins Pushing forward on November 16, Knyphausens men were ferried across during the night. Their advance had to be stopped as Mathews men were delayed due to the tide. Opening fire on the American lines with artillery, the Hessians were supported by the frigate HMS Pearl (32 guns) which worked to silence the American guns. To the south, Percys artillery also joined the fray. Around noon, the Hessian advanced resumed as Mathew and Cornwallis men landed to the east under heavy fire. While the British secured a foothold on Laurel Hill, Colonel Johann Ralls Hessians took the hill by Spuyten Duyvil Creek. Having gained a position on Manhattan, the Hessians pushed south towards Fort Washington. Their advance was soon halted by heavy fire from Lieutenant Colonel Moses Rawlings Maryland and Virginia Rifle Regiment. To the south, Percy approached the first American line which was held by Lieutenant Colonel Lambert Cadwaladers men. Halting, he awaited a sign that the 42nd had landed before pushing forward. As the 42nd came ashore, Cadwalader began sending men to oppose it. Hearing the musket fire, Percy attacked and soon began to overwhelm the defenders. The American Collapse Having crossed to view the fighting, Washington, Greene, and Brigadier General Hugh Mercer elected to return to Fort Lee. Under pressure on two fronts, Cadwaladers men soon were forced to abandon the second line of defenses and began retreating to Fort Washington. To the north, Rawlings men were gradually pushed back by the Hessians before being overrun after hand-to-hand fighting. With the situation rapidly deteriorating, Washington dispatched Captain John Gooch with a message requesting Magaw to hold out until nightfall. He hoped that the garrison could be evacuated after dark. As Howes forces tightened the noose around Fort Washington, Knyphausen had Rall demand Magaws surrender. Sending an officer to treat with Cadwalader, Rall gave Magaw thirty minutes to surrender the fort. While Magaw discussed the situation with his officers, Gooch arrived with Washingtons message. Though Magaw attempted to stall, he was forced to capitulate and the American flag was lowered at 4:00 PM. Unwilling to be taken a prisoner, Gooch jumped over the forts wall and tumbled down to the shore. He was able to locate a boat and escaped to Fort Lee. The Aftermath In taking Fort Washington, Howe suffered 84 killed and 374 wounded. American losses numbered 59 killed, 96 wounded, and 2,838 captured. Of those soldiers taken prisoner, only around 800 survived their captivity to be exchanged the following year. Three days after the fall of Fort Washington, American troops were forced to abandon Fort Lee. Retreating across New Jersey, the remains of Washingtons army finally halted after crossing the Delaware River. Regrouping, he attacked across the river on December 26 and defeated Rall at Trenton. This victory was followed up on January 3, 1777, when American troops won the Battle of Princeton.
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