Friday, June 5, 2020

The Best Way to Manage the Space in the Library - 1375 Words

The Best Way to Manage the Space in the Library: Literature Review, Research Approach, Result Analysis, Potential Limitations and Issues (Research Proposal Sample) Content: THE BEST WAY TO MANAGE THE SPACE IN THE LIBRARYNAMECOURSE INSTRUCTORINSTITUTIONDATECONTENTS OF THE RESEARCH REPORTIntroduction................................................................................................................................3Objectives....................................................................................................................................3Literature Review.......................................................................................................................4Research Approach....................................................................................................................6Result Analysis.............................................................................................................................6Conclusion....................................................................................................................................7Potential Limitations and Iss ues.................................................................................................8Ethical Considerations.................................................................................................................8Reference List...............................................................................................................................9INTRODUCTIONOperations in every organization are centralized on the information about facilities and space. Libraries especially academic libraries that are constructed on large scale are no exception. The efficiency and effectiveness of libraries daily operations can be enhanced using a powerful space management tool. The goal of every library is to develop harmonious and an efficient balance of all elements that make up a library (Petersen, 2009). After considerations of various management tools, this paper mainstream on the use of geographical information systems technology in managing space in libraries. Ge ographical information system is a better system in incorporating spatial data analysis into visual presentations. The system is also easy and cheap to develop. In this proposal, the feature data are integrated with library floor plans to show how geographical information systems can be used as a practical library space management tool.Research ObjectivesThe objectives of the research proposal are: * To assess the effectiveness and efficiency of geographical information system on the management of space in the libraries * To determine whether the GIS tools are the excellent means for partial analysis and geographical analysis in relation to managing space in libraries.LITERATURE REVIEWMany libraries have embraced space management as a frequent activity. Designers in the early stages of architectural planning for libraries in higher learning institutions, stipulated for future development. However, due to dynamic changes in the world, their expectations failed to keep up with dynamic changes (Su Dingwell, 2006). As a result, this developed a dire need to have re-arrangements of sporadic space to accommodate these dynamic changes. Information derived from daily operations rest primary on these daily operations. Consequently, space management in libraries is a necessity and hence the need to establish a space management system that has the capability to monitor and record data on how libraries use facilities and space. Such a demand has been particularly popular recently and development of modern technologies as a tool for library operations. The most appropriate and modern tool for library space management is the geographical information system due to its capability and excellence in spatial analysis and geographical navigation. Moreover, they solve problems concerned with space management in libraries significantly due to their great flexibility in analysis of geographical navigation.Geographical Information Systems (GIS)Geographic information system (GIS) has a critical role in enhancing achievement of location-based services. Taylor Blewitt (2006), defined Geographic information system as a set of tools that is capable of retrieving at will, collecting, storing, displaying, and transforming spatial data for a set of purposes form the real world. Location-based service is classified as a subset of mobile goeservices. Li FrÃÆ'mlohner, (2005) perceives LBS as having the ability for an information system to denote the position of a user based on userà ¢Ã¢â€š ¬s position in a given context or device users are carrying. On the other hand, Dawson et al., (2006) perceives location-based service as having the capacity to provide relevant, specific information according to a specified spatial location related to a physical region or point relevant to the surface of the earth.Although there are numerous deals on network technologies used on tracking and monitoring of subjects and objects, geographic information system is an add-on feature to them. Location based services would not be credible as commercial entities without GIS. According to Lopez (2004) it then follows that geographic information system is essential to the success of location-based service. Incentives for using geographic information service in location-based service incorporate: service provisioning, cost-effectiveness, competitive advantage, database creation, system performance, and use and access (Shiode et al., 2004).Point insidePoint Inside provides sketches for modern libraries, but libraries are more worthwhile for indoor location services as a Point Inside representative highlights. The applications permit librarians to converse straightforwardly to library users who are searching for reading materials. Use of point inside provides for the library the chance to modify requests for regular readers and emphasize on most recommended materials. The desire for libraries is that all readers entering their libraries not to leave without finding what t hey are searching for (Mountain Raper, 2001).Determining the location of a book in a library, certainly, is not a simple task, as GPS signals do not work efficiently in a building. WIFI access points within the library have a vital role in triangulating the location of a book in library is aided by point inside as an alternative. In libraries, WIFI used tends to be infrequency in stores though stores with several hotspots allow users to trace books efficiently and with accuracy.RESEARCH APPROACHThe information on which this research proposal was obtained was through a qualitative approach to deal with a case study research and cross-case examination (Stake, 1995). A qualitative methodology was utilized as it was viewed critical to collect in-depth information to comprehend GIS management tools can be used to effectively manage space in the libraries. The research included an inductive approach to deal with the information in the field. Information was collected through in-depth one -to-one interview, participantsà ¢Ã¢â€š ¬ perception, and through the survey of documentation and field notes. Semi-structured interviews were performed with librarians in libraries that have embraced modern technology in space management.The research procedure was an iterative one with understanding and investigation being continuous among the groups, interpretation, and reviewing. Investigation of meeting transcripts and the field notes was attempted with the assistance of NUD_IST (1997), a computer based qualitative information analysis package that facilitated the organization of the data.RESULTS ANALYSISThe ultimate purpose for managing a GIS library space management tool is data analysis. According to different designs, analytical units will change though the conduct of data analysis will keep on a case-by-case basis. The means of data presentation took multiple forms; the textual and graphical reporting. Presenting data in graphical form gives an understanding and this is a simple GIS tool. However, whenever analysis is more complex, it requires advanced statistical representations. GIS tools provide dynamic reporting mechanisms to ensure the task is fulfilled. Therefore, to develop a fulfilling task, time was used in exploring reporting and analytical utilities of the geographical information systems. One of the most popular tool used in space management is point insider. Mathematical expressions were used in data in the database to perform spatial analysis for specific designs and purposes.Personalized formulas were also used to incorporate with models to solve particular problems. Hence, the GIS products are perceived as powerful and flexible for spatial analysis. As soon as the analysis was finished, the results were sent to a customized report and presented to graphical interfaces for enhanced visualization. GIS tools are also a great tool for geographical navigation and spatial analysis and hence they have a great flexibility in solving issues re lated with library space management. The issue addresses the aspect of the GIS tools in exploiting the aspect of their great fun...

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